✔ī¸Configure your task templates

What are sections and task templates?

You often perform the same tasks for a given project. So on Hubflo, you can create lists of tasks for your projects (we call them "sections")

Project stages give you a broad view of a project's progress Project sections and tasks give you a more detailed view of the to-dos

When you're in a project, click on "tasks" > "new section" > "select a template"

How do I set up my templates

By default, you should have 3 section templates with their task lists.

We recommend that you start by editing them (you can edit their name or their tasks).

Then, you can create other lists as you go.

Can I have project sections with tasks created automatically?

Not at the moment but we're working on it (should be live in the next couple of weeks) Usually, you'll probably want to create one project section at a time so it takes just 2 clicks to add all your tasks.

Last updated