📁Create your first workspace for a client

To invite a client to your client portal, you have to give them access to at least one workspace. So you just have to create a new Portal Workspace and then click on the left menu to invite them.

What can I share in a portal workspace?

In a workspace, you can share:

  • Resources: files, external app embeds, notes, links, folders

  • Tasks

If you don't want to use the task section in a workspace, just leave it blank, the client won't see it unless you create a task.

Customize your default template workspace

By default, we've created for you a sample portal Workspace called "Template".

Click on "Client Portal" in the menu and you'll see it. Customize this workspace by setting up your desired folder structure + any resource you would like to share with all your clients (company presentation, calendly embed...).

Quick tips

  • You can drag & drop an item to change its position or put it inside a folder

  • To remove an item, simply hoover on it and you'll see a cross icon and contextual menu (top right)

Now let's create a new portal workspace for a new client

1) If you already have a project created, you can create the portal workspace from there. Simply click on the "portal workspace" tab. The project and portal workspace will be automatically linked.

2) You can also create the workspace from scratch. Head to the "client portal" app > click on "new workspace"

Now don't forget to select your template here so you don't start from scratch

Last updated